Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Hiking in Kita-Kamakura (北鎌倉)

I went hiking with some friends and co-workers a week or so ago in Kita-Kamakura.  It was so beautiful!  From the quaint train station (I wish I had remembered to take a photo) to the traditional homes and green nature everywhere... it is a current favorite location of mine.  

Friday, May 17, 2013

Golden Week - Part 3 (Cat Cafe, Cooking Class)

Finally, during Golden Week, I did two new activities:  I visited a Cat Cafe (猫かフェ)
and I went to a multi-lingual Cooking Class.

Golden Week - Part 2 (Odawara)

Continuation of my activities during Golden Week...

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Golden Week - Part 1 (Kamakura, Enoshima)

Golden Week in Japan occurs in at the end of April-early MayThere are several national holidays within the same week, so many companies provide their employees with the entire week off.  It is one of three weeks off during the year that I have.