Saturday, August 31, 2013

Half-way Point - Contract Renewal

So I reached the six month mark in my contract... I can't believe it's half over.

Despite reflection upon the time I've spent in Japan so far and how fast it has seemed to fly by, the six month mark is an important one for other reasons:  Contract Renewal!  My company is crazy enough that they ask us to decide whether we will renew our contract (ending next February) now.  They offered me a 3-, 6-, or 12-month renewal.  

I debated about this quite a lot, asking the opinions of family and friends.  I considered long-term goals in life and all sorts of little and big things.  Looking back, I can honestly say I spent WAY too much time dwelling and stressing about this.  But, that's normal for me I guess as I tend to worry about things all the time. 

The end result of so much deliberation:  I will not be renewing my contract. 

Yes, even though I've enjoyed Japan thus far, there have been several rough patches and I've learned things about Japan and the lifestyle here that I don't particularly enjoy.  I have a big list of reasons, but in short - I think it will be best to return to America.  I can't say for sure which part yet (SoCal or NorCal) - it will probably be wherever a decent job takes me.

With this decision made, I can look at my remaining time in Japan and think - what do I really want to see?  I've made plans to go visit Kyoto-Osaka-Kobe area in November and might trek up toward Tohoku area in the winter.  I haven't decided on the winter break yet.  Other plans will come up here or there I expect, so stay tuned as I post things.

If nothing else, I look forward to seeing my kitty once again - I hear he's just waiting for me and bugging his caretaker every other minute with his antics.

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