Thursday, February 13, 2014

It's Beyond Cold - Snow Days!

So the temperatures have been steadily dropping for weeks... I'm waking up, burrowed under my covers in a ball and trying to stay there as long as possible.  Moving from the warm bed to the icy cold floor is not a fun experience each day.  If I was never a morning person before, it's gotten worse.  But, just last week, I woke up to absolute silence and when I peeked outside, I saw a white landscape and smiled. 

It had snowed!  
View from my apartment window
This was the first snow we had in my region this year, and it's turning out to be the worst snowfall in 91 years (according to news reports).  Locally, we had 10-15 inches of snow just last weekend.  Many train lines were shut down or significantly delayed.  In my school, classes were cancelled, students cautioned to stay home, and the staff left hours earlier than closing.  

Knowing I wouldn't want to leave the house much in the oncoming storm, I stopped at the market on the way home.  It was the first time I saw almost completely empty shelves!  Seriously, whole sections were empty as apparently everyone was thinking disaster scenarios for food.  I was able to find some things to carry me over though and trudged home.

My normal 15 minute walk had turned into a battle against the swirling snow and strong winds, while trying to keep my footing into the snow.  The time doubled and when I finally reached my building, the stairways were filled with snow.  Going up 3 flights of open stairs covered in snow was tricky... then, seeing my doorway blocked by snow.... ugh, I was so cold and just ready for a hot shower and some food by that point.

On the walk home - the snow was blowing so heavily.
Blocked entry to my apartment.... had to dig through it to force the door open.
By now, I felt like I'd been in the winter version of the summer typhoons... this one just had snow falling and going every which way, rather than rain.  You feel really accomplished just making it into your home and shutting the door.

The snow has been beautiful though and just today, it snowed again.  

I've definitely felt the four seasons in Japan and think this is a nice conclusion to my stay.  I leave for the States in just another week.  I'll be looking forward to seeing everyone again!

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