Thursday, February 13, 2014

It's Beyond Cold - Snow Days!

So the temperatures have been steadily dropping for weeks... I'm waking up, burrowed under my covers in a ball and trying to stay there as long as possible.  Moving from the warm bed to the icy cold floor is not a fun experience each day.  If I was never a morning person before, it's gotten worse.  But, just last week, I woke up to absolute silence and when I peeked outside, I saw a white landscape and smiled. 

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

South to Fukuoka - Weekend Trip

I've been absent from my blog posts a bit, but I wanted to share some great pics I got from my trip to Fukuoka in late November.  November was a big travel month for me as I went to both Kansai area and then later to Fukuoka.  Fukuoka is located in Kyushu, the southernmost main island of Japan.  It's a port city and closest to Korea.  I spent 3 days there with a friend and, despite the short time, I really enjoyed it.