Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Going "Due North"... er, "East"

With papers strewn about on my desk and clutter in every corner of my studio apartment, preparation is underway for my move to Japan.  Somehow, amidst the mess, there is a sense of movement and change... I'm just not sure if it's an improvement yet...

Since I received my job offer 3 weeks back, and finally signed the contract 2 weeks later, my mind has been spasmodically swinging from "panic-freak-out" mode to "calm-let's-ignore-it-for-now" mode to "bouncy-excited" mode.  It's tiring to say the least (and probably why I'm sleeping like a log some nights and staring at my ceiling for hours on others).  Even with the many lists and notes I've written to help plan things, I can't say they are that helpful when my motivation to prepare fluctuates daily.

My last day at work is January 11, 2013.  I will stick around in the area for a few more days to wrap up my apartment and to finalize any packing, before driving down south to visit family (kitty in tow).  I hope to relax and transition Wiley to his new home in the following 2+ weeks before finally departing to Japan.  I will leave LAX on February 4, and arrive at Narita Airport in Tokyo on February 5.

Looking at the timeline, this can be interpreted in 2 ways:
  1. "Aw, I got time... it's, like, 2 months away..."  Kick back and take things slow.  Pack a box here or there; go shopping when in the mood; and just follow the major milestones for official paperwork.
  2. "#!# I have only 4 weeks before leaving the area - there is SO much to do!  Plus, all the preparation to make sure I have everything I could possibly need (for every conceivable weather or situation)..."  Panic is always a foot away and bent from over-use.  
Despite my initial period of shock and panic, I think I'm leaning toward option 1 overall.  I'm trying to stay positive, research topics, shop occasionally for necessities, and keep the timeline in mind.  We'll see how well I'm able to maintain this level of calm, though.  I anticipate it slowly fading as the days pass and departure east looms on the horizon.

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